Academic titles are not that user-friendly and as you can see from the caption I’ve put above this is not an exception. Published online in March this year, this particular paper explores a rather interesting topic if you care to look beneath the surface, adding to the already increasing pile of papers on this topic. For it concerns that star device of the last decade and our relationship with it - the smartphone! Nomophobia, you see, is an intense fear or anxiety that's triggered in some people when their smartphone is unavailable. Might be even true - ke Solutions itself is building its own share of addictively useful mobile app!
Few of you reading these lines will fail to remember at least some first-hand experiences involving this particular combination of smartphone loss & anxiety. Anecdotal evidence. To go beyond joke, anecdotes and the like, Yildirim and Correia started interviewing their undergraduate students that self-identified as heavily dependent on their smartphones. Structured interviews with these students revealed four key themes underpinning their anxiety of not having their smartphones with them at all times:
- Fear of not being able to communicate or be reached by other people
- Lack of connectedness, especially via social networks
- Lack of access to information that might be needed
- Loss of convenience, e.g. when battery dies
On the basis of this four main topics the researchers devised a questionnaire they administered to 300 more students. Their paper reports that the questionnaire has good internal consistency and that is correlates well with another existing scale that “made waves” back in 2012 – the " Test of Mobile Phone Dependence", indicating support for their construct.
Do you think it is a fluke? Well, it depends how irrational the anxiety is and what your response is toward this anxiety. After business customers start using our mobile apps, it is not anxiety that drives them to have smartphones oh hand at all times, but functionality and (why not?) profit.
Nowadays mobility provides unlimited opportunities for businesses and consumers. Mobile Applications are fast becoming required business instruments for those interested in reaching out their target market more efficiently. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is increasingly becoming part and parcel of the working environment of many companies. Therefore, deploying mobility technology solutions should be the next on your TO DO LIST.
ke Solutions offers specialized skills and experience in implementing and managing business mobility solutions. We want to design and develop your IDEA in partnership with you, into a mobile solution that will boost your business where you want it to be: on everybody's home screens.
Our services include design and development on a variety of platforms such as Tizen, iOS, Android, HTML5 and windows phone providing end-to-end custom solutions for our customers.
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