Pronunciation: 'kE

Ask yourself this question: What comes to your mind when I ask what is a dynamic website and how do I get one?
- For most people, the first thing that comes to mind will be a software tool, online or offline, that allows you to select a template, create a few 'dynamic' pages, place a few images and your work will be PUBLISHED in the end. This is absolutely wrong! The collection of pages just created are not 'dynamic' by far, but 'static' by any means!
- Some people believe that dynamic website is type that type of website available only to an exclusive group of corporations and businesses with an IT department, people with lots and lots of money and web programmers on staff.
- Not a clue!
Dynamic is defined as "characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress", therefore a dynamic website should be "a website characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress".
In today's market, what will it take to have your own dynamic website?
- Using a software tool to build and publish your website is reasonable in the beginning, but it will cost your sanity in the end.
- Get your own IT department is good enough lots and lots of money to burn.
- Start using ke and be the ruler of your dynamic website.
ke has a complete different approach and the result is an authentic dynamic website.
ke is a software package written in Java and Delphi, with SQL Server as underlying database, and has two main software components: web and admin. The web package is a Java servlet farm and is responsible to show web content to visitors on the website. Every time a visitor clicks on a website that has ke as its engine, ke web package is in charge of getting the data from the database, process it and show it. The website's administrator will use the admin package (keAdmin) to access the database and make changes.
Using the content management keAdmin, you have direct access to the database where all data is stored. There is no 'page' concept in ke. All you do is manage multiple types of data and create logical rules and processes. At the time a visitor makes a click on the website, ke will 'receive' the click from the user, process it, put data together and show it to the user as useful information. The advantage of this process is that ke will reuse the same data over and over again, without the need of re-entering it.
ke is a proprietary engine, which empowers non technical business users to easily create and manage web content according to predefined templates such as adding pages to your website without headaches as the need arises. It puts you in the drivers seat with useful features such as easy to manage dynamic content, custom data configuration, custom error handling and automatic feedback, message boards, calendar, flashing random content, newsletters, and much, much more!
ke is the complete solution to establish and grow an online presence. With ke you can start small and grow as your online community grows. ke offers you, not only a store building solution, but a list of other features that will help you attract new visitors and keep the one you have. ke offers you the chance to build your own portal, whether your target audience is your family and friends, customers, neighborhood, city, or the world, with a little effort and a fraction of the price compared with the big players.
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